Pass INT-150 or Bryston b135 sst^2?

They would be for SHL5+ speakers.  Any opinions?  Thank you.
Congratulations on the Harbeth SHL5 Plus speakers. They are very natural sounding speakers and will sound great with almost all genres of music. I haven’t listened to the Pass Int-150 or Bryston B135-SST2. Some of the natural partners or good amp combination for the Harbeth are the LFD, Croft, Sonneteer and Naim amps. Mostly British. Having said that, the SHL5+ will sound equally great with any amplifier, spectacular with select amplifiers depending on your room, listening preference and partnering equipment.

I would add Accuphase to the list of flat out amazing amps for any Harbeth. extravaganza is also correct that Harbeth's are very sweet with tubes. Don't shy away from class A either. I graduated to class A after tube, then solid state class a/b with my Harbeth's. 
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