Inexpensive All-In-One Solutions

I'm looking for a very inexpensive all-in-one solution that has the following features: Stream Netflix, blu-ray, surround sound, and possibly multi-disk CD playback. This is for some non-audiophile friends that are currently using a hodge-podge of equipment included an old computer stacked on a bookshelf in a very nice house. They need a clean solution, but are not willing to pay much so we're not worried about sound quality. Function is the goal.

just had an almost identical situation with my sister. ended up getting a 1 box solution at Target for about $275 (no multi disc and 100% plastic). forgot the name but it's one i've never heard of. according to sounds fantastic! lol!. but then who am i to judge....she's very happy with it and that's all that really matters. lots of systems like this out there. they just aren't in the places people like us usually look (like target).

funny thing was, she never wanted to hear/listen to anything we looked at in the stores. she made her decision based on appearance/style alone. was looking for something small and sleek... "with as few buttons and knobs as possible".

at least i've confirmed that "audio/hi fi disease" is not hereditary. =)
Levy03 I have to agree. A lot of people are not concerned about the audio, just the way it looks.

Honestly take them to BB and have them get an HTIB. Normally people don't want to even spend the money to get a good AVR and speaker set which would at least let them change out AVR's down the road but for a lot that is even too complicated or beyond what they are looking for.

Samsung makes HTIB and Sony come to mind. Can even do the wireless back surrounds or side surrounds so they don't have to even run as many wires anymore. Blu-ray system too. Should be able to find those for 300-400 bucks.

Its sad but thats what people want, small and consumable, not something that will last 20 years...
Is being happy with a home theater in a box from a big box store any more "sad" than someone that chooses to drive a junk car so that they can afford high end audio gear?

Just because people doesn't appreciate quality audio equipment doesn't mean that they don't have areas where spending money makes sense to them. In this case, the lady is a fantastic cook and enjoys having people to their home. Her kitchen was recenlty remodeled and I dare say that no expense was spared. Do I care if there's hot water available on tap above the stove? No, but it's a huge improvement for her.

I don't understand why we (me included) look down on anyone that has different values and tastes compared to us.

Maybe people are just waiting to spend their money until someone can tell them what the best product is? Now that audiophiles are claiming Bose is junk they are confused as to what they should buy!
When I said sad I meant more in the terms of the product will not last as long and can be considered more of a consumable than a good core product.

HTIB tend to fail and be outdated quicker than even an AVR and people will be back every few years to get another one. My father's AVR from the 70's still works fine to this day and nothing is wrong with it.

Things were built to a different standard then compared to now. We focus more on ease of use and size vs the quality of the sound or the integrity of the unit because it changes so fast whats the point in spending 1000 on an AVR that will be out dated in a year?

I totally understand that we are in a hobby and that our hobby may look strange to others that don't understand.

I just wish people would focus more on the aspect that you get what you paid for. Cheap doesn't always equal good or high quality and a lot of people want the biggest and best for nothing. Not saying you have to spend tons and tons of money to get something decent but a 200 HTIB is just that and something has to be compromised on.
i always find it odd how two people can look at the same thing but see it completely differently. my sister laughs at my hi-fi set-up and thinks it's completely insane. one might think she's cheap but that's not the case at all.

she's ok paying $100 to get her hair done. she has several pairs of $500+ shoes and has a $1400 purse for gods sake! LOL!

i won't pay more then $15 for a haircut and one pair of shoes that cost over $200 (all my other shoes average about $100). my wallet cost $18.

if we have passion for something, it's much easier to spend alot. without seems ridiculous to spend that much. different strokes...different folks.