Rogers Studio 1 Monitor

Can anyone educate me on the Rogers studio 1 monitors.
All I know is that they are somewhat associated with Spendor, and Kef, its an 8ohm 300 watt monitor made in england and Im guessing sometime around the 80's. I found one single speaker. After listening to it for a bit, I really wished I had the pair.
Any info is appreciated
Hi I was just wondering if you still had the studio one speaker ? I am looking for replacement parts. Thanks 
@joehernandez509 Falcon Acoustics can provide tweeters, mids and rebuild the crossovers.  Some cosmetic parts may be available, too.  If you cook the woofer, they're toast from what Falcon told me.  Falcon can be reached via  They also manufacture new 15 ohm LS3/5A to the original BBC / Rogers specification.

Good luck & happy listening!
Thanks for the response . I just found it , for some reason I didn't get a notification .
I just checked them out , unfortunately they don't have the celestion hf 1300 I need .