That's certainly disappointing if the Cruze Audio Maestro is simply a Cooper BR20 outlet, cryoed and nothing more but.... actually, I wouldn't mind at all. I would buy a nice stash of the Coopers and send them off for cryoing and then have several of these fine outlets for very little $$$. I have a few of these, a few more Porter Ports, and had the Oyaide R1 and SWO-GX. The SWO-GX was hugely outclassed by the other three sounding opaque, slow, bloated... not only nothing special but a hindrance to clarity, transparency, and pacing. The R1 was nicely detailed with a clearly defined soundstage and excellent control but both the Maestro and the Porter were obviously less colored and more transparent. I think the Porter may be the slightest bit more transparent but it sounds less controlled, almost a bit loose compared to the Maestro. I have no experience with the Furutech outlets so can't comment on them but the Cooper/Cruze Audio Maestros are legitimate, higher end outlets. Buy them from Lowe's for $3.47? You bet I'll check into that. I agree the mark-up and deception in audio is B.S. but don't dismiss the Maestros. Just my 2cents worth...