MAC's MP100 Phono Pre-amp

Hey People. I currently have an Allnic H1201 phono stage (tubed) and am considering moving to McIntosh's first stand alone pre-amp. I recently got a Cary SLP-05 pre-amp and its connected to a MAC MC302 power amp (a great move in of itself). Was just wondering if anyone had any direct experience with the MP100. Not certain if the McIntosh will present an audible difference. Thank you for your input. TAK
Thanks, but wish I had the luxury of that option .... I must sell one to purchase the other .... thus my question. No decisions yet. Happy friday.
Any reason why you want to move away from the Allnic? I have a C1100 preamp and hoped that they would put their best foot forward on the built-in phono, but ended up going with an Allnic myself. If you don’t have any pressing reason to change, I’d wait to see how well-received the MP100 is and perhaps try to get a demo. Also, McIntosh just announced discounts on their turntables, so that may extend to the phono pre, too, if they aren’t moving too well.
Yo Greg (ok, the other greg). I have no particular/pressing reason to move the MAC, I just, at times, have this urge to try something different and have liked McIntosh in general for many years. Was also curious about it's first phono. Good suggesstion though, guess I'll wait. That C1100 is ONE gorgeous pre~! And so you're using an H1201 with it? I suppose you're happy with the arrangement?  But now I'm curious, what power amp do  you have and what speakers are you driving?
Hi tak1, I would be very surprised if the MP100 could approach the H-1201 in performance.  There are many other phonos I'd be tempted to try in that price range from

I am using an H-3000/HA-3000 combo for my phono and they are wonderful.  I'm using an MC275 driving KEF Reference 5 speakers.
Sorry, part of my response above disappeared.  The second sentence should have said:

There are many other phonos I'd be tempted to try in that price range from vendors with strong track records before I put down money on the McIntosh.