Your first component that was "special"

I got into hifi 40 years ago. I had a Pioneer receiver, Kenwood table, various entry level cartridges (ADC, Stanton, Empire) and Studio Design speakers. I wound up buying a Shure V15 Type 3 cartridge. That was the first piece of gear I bought that was way beyond ordinary. I had kept the cartridge until about 2o years ago- I sold it because by then no decent replacement stylus was available. Wish I still had it.

Audio Research SP10II bought in mid 80's and used for over 25 years. Used it with Theil  3.5 speakers and Threshold SA3 amp.
zavato, The V15 TYIII was my first upgrade in '73. I'm sure a lot of us wish they would make them again!
I think that my DCM Time Windows were my introduction to what we call high-end sound.  I remember them being really good.  I also remember getting a Denon 103 cartridge for my Technics tt, which was a revelation compared to the moving magnets I'd used before.  
Back in 2005, so not until I was 50 years old, an Opera Audio a120 integrated hybrid amplifier (90W, 6H30 tube) was the first piece of audiophile kit I’d ever acquired. It was my Pandora’s box intro to the amazing world of hi-end audio that, until then, I never knew existed.