Best preamplifier, amplifier for B&W 800 Diamond

Buying the new B&W 800 Diamond speakers (already installed). I was wondering who has first hand experience which preampifiers and amplifers sound best with these speakers. Sound quality is the most important issue, not necessarily price. Any feedback would be appreciated!
way back in 2004, my 1st introduction to both Classe' and B&W was with the Omega series/Natilus series rounded out on Transparent top-of-the-line cabling. A stunning performance and presentation to this day. Easily, one of the best auditions for one whom has a large to very large listening space.

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Bring this forward to modern times, as a former 800 D2 diamond owner, any advice on the D3 line (802 or the recently released 800)? Rumour has it that the new D3 line "one ups" the outgoing D2 line - I.E. the new 803D3 compares to the 802D2, and the new 802D3 would compare to the 800D2. I guess that puts the new 800D3 in its own class? Anyway - any difference in the suggested amps from what was previously written for D2? 

This specifically will be for a pair of 802D3, which I think is the best value between 800,802,803 in the new D3 line - although with their sizes and price points I think they're all winners.
The Krell Solo 575 monoblocks ran my 801D better than any other amplifier I've heard.  They had great speed, detail, a nice large/deep soundstage, and punchy (but tuneful also) bass.  Loads of power too.  They outperformed my massive EV900e monos, which was already no slouch.  Paired with a CAST-capable preamp kicks things up to super amp/preamp territory.  :-)
Anyone have an opinion of the newest D3 models still need high power the way the former models did?
Specifically, I'm looking for amp recommendations for 802D3.
Has anyone used pass x350.8 or Levinson 532, 534, 536, or Ayre MXR20?