Wave Kinetics NVS Reference Turntable Review on Positive Feedback

David Robinson, Positive Feedback Online's Editor-In-Chief, just published about his 5 year experience with the Wave Kinetics NVS Reference Turntable and the Durand Tonearm Telos. It can be read here:

Thank you Raul for your kind words.

When a manufacturer submits a product for review, they do not get to set the format of the review. If comparisons are made that is entirely at the discretion of the writer. 

The platter was specifically designed with multiple impedance changes utilizing a constrained layer system and a mass loaded polymer where the top layer provides similar hardness characteristics as the vinyl itself.

I understand your desire to have more technical information available to you, but really the answers are all in the listening. :)
Thanks for your responses, JTinn.  I always wondered what it was about the platter/bearing assembly that dictated the fact that the two cannot be separated by the end-user (apparently) or for shipping purposes, at least.  This is just owing to my own particular brand of curiosity about things mechanical and "things" in general.  I do not know of another turntable so constructed.  You probably don't want to reveal anything about that, but if you could give us a hint, that would be fun.
Dear @jtinn : Yes, I understand that I'm almost asking for you can disclose the NVS overall design that in reality was not my intention but only learn from the experts. Never mind.

I can remember when the NVS seen the customer ligth for the first time and when everybody blame you because of that trouble with the shipping/package you fixed very fast. That episode was treated in an Audiogon thread where even audio item sellers ( not a NVS distributor. ) posted in a not to friendly way.

I can't understand after all those years a very wise and smart gentleman as @lewm ( whom I respect. ) posted about.

That NVS experience is not exclusive of a newcomer in the market of an specific audio item even very well regarded and old audio manufacturers experienced that. One of the lates was Ortofon with its flagship cartridge the Anna that came with a suspension problem just from the begin and that like you they fixed inmmediatly.  Other top manufacturer I remember was Dynavector but I already had several experiences where suddenly the stylus tip of a cartridge just didappeared with out any wrong use of it.

Several audiophiles when received its TTs, tonearms, electronics, speakers and the like when they switch on the system there is NO sound at all and this still happens every single day. Tube lovers knew that kind of experiences but SS too.

Anyway, you time here is appreciated. Keep going in that same NVS " road "  and I hope that the manufacturer market can learn that " things " always can be better and the NVS is a true " test " of that. With all respect that last sentence goes to that KKKK$$$ TTs that are way inferior to the NVS design and where every single audiophile/customer must ask him self ( even whom already pay for it. ):
 where is my money with those KKK$ TTs that more than a serious and well enginnered TTs are tons and tons/kgs of futile metal and that's it?

I'm a music lover and an audiophile and that gives me the rigth to ask. I invite to any of those TT designers ( KKKK$$$ ) to come here and tell me I'm totally wrong and why I'm.

Regards and enjoy the music,
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Lewm:  Our desire was to create a turntable that was essentially plug-n-play. Take it out of the shipping crate, place it on the supplied platform, plug it in and install the arm and cartridge... done.

Just because no one else does it doesn't mean it should not or cannot be done. :)