Please help ...integrated amp under $1200

Looking to upgrade my system...integrated amp with new floor standing tower speakers...Would like to stream in addition to vinyl and cds.
Looking at Cambridge cxa 80, nad  c368 ....Possibly monitor silver 10 speakers, Any thoughts or positive recommendations would be most appreciated. Just looking for some practical guidance. Not sure if I want a streamer or can use my laptop or iphone.
I'd second the Croft. I recently purchased a Croft preamp & it really made my MA Silver 2 speakers sound so much more alive & musical. 50 watts at 4 ohms is probably enough for most people--it will easily get you over 100db. I believe one reviewer of the 10's even preferred them with his 25-50 watt amplifiers.  
Thank you all...little overwhelmed by all this info. One question to you all is can I achieve true hi fidelity streaming Tidal as opposed to compact disc's. If so what is my best method, Please tell me hat you think....even if it's not necessarily what I'd like to hear...
I'd like to second the recommendation from yogiboy--I bought a Rogue Sphinx a little over a year ago and am very pleased with it.  I think the phono preamp is particularly noteworthy.  It's just beyond your pricepoint and occasionally a used one will show up for sale on the internet.