Tube Amp vs Solid State Amp HELP

So I ordered a pair of Dali Zensor 1's. As of now I am using my friend's Jolida FX10 tube amp, which he has offered to sell to me. Should I purchase his tube amp or get a Cambridge Azur 351A? Only problem with the Jolida is that it's not very powerful; however, right now it's paired with his Klipsch speakers and it's plenty loud for my room/house. I don't have any reason to push it too much. Input would be much appreciated.

Tube amps are warmer SS amps have better detail and highs(the real good ones).
Old wives tales, summarized:

1. Tubes amps don’t have the detail of solid state amps.

2. Tube amps have flabby bass.

3. Tube amps don’t have the bass slam that solid state amps do.

4. Tube amps don’t have any dynamic headroom.

5. Tube amps are not as extended in the treble as solid state amps.

6. Tube amps run hot.

cheers, GK

As if all tube amps sound the same. My old Dynaco Stereo 70 sounds more different from my Music Reference RM200 than does a, say, high quality modern Mosfet solid state amp.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I think I'm going to order a  NAD 316BEE, compare the two, and make a decision .
Wait…you can’t make a decision without at least few dozen more pages of opinions from your audio geek brethren (and sister-en). What the hell are you thinking? This sort of thing throws a monkey wrench into this entire operation…next you’re gonna claim the NAD sounds "real good" when, clearly, a D’Agostino would be SO MUCH better for a mere $72,000 more…or what about that pair of single ended class A hand (and foot) wired furniture melting 8 watt tube mono blocks with a passive preamp you completely ignored…come on man! Don't insult us obvious experts with this sort of dangerous and rebellious knee jerk behavior.