Tube Preamp for around 2K?

I currently have a Juicy Music Peach II preamp that is being serviced and may replace the unit.  I have looked around the 2K mark and have found the Rogue Perseus Magnum, the Cary SLP 98L and the Rogue 99 Super Magnum.  I have also seen a few ARC LS 17SE for around $2500.   I like the JMA peach (6h30) but would be open to trying a different tube sound.  Looks like the Rogue 99 and the Cary have the same 6sn7 tube vs the Perseus 12au7.  The ARC would be another (6h30) approach.  I originally bought the Peach to match my Klipsch RF-7s but I now have Martin Logan Ethos and use a 200 watt SS B&K amp.  The Perseus has all the features i want (2 outputs, HT bypass, remote) and is the best from a price perspective.   I have read the Cary and the 99 will have a fatter tone but at the expense of frequency extremes.  The ML's don't have a harsh top end like the Klipsch so i am not sure I want to mute the top end at all.  

Would the Perseus be the best option of this bunch for a dynamic open sound with the most 3D soundstage?  My gut tells me the Cary SLP is the better product but i don't have any objective reason.  The ARC is probably the most accurate but i fear it will  be boring and not really sound like a tube preamp.  Thoughts?
I saw the Primaluna, it looks like a potential option but I have read that they don't pair well with SS amps with a lower input impedance, my B&K has an input impedance of 33k.  
Going by the 10 to 1 ratio...the PL has an output impedance of 256 ohms. It would be no problem with your BK amp... which has a input of 33,000 ohms.
The Rogue Perseus Magnum casts a huge soundstage and has extended highs and deep bass. It has a neutral and detailed sonic signature, so tube rolling is required if you want a warmer sound. It does not, however, sound tubey. The 99 Magnum which uses 6SN7’s is the better unit.

PrimaLuna will give you that tube sound, and rolling in some NOS tubes will really open it up.
You should be able to find a used Herron VTSP-1 with a little patience. Let Keith Herron go over it to make sure all the updates are installed and it’s operating up to specs. Smokes anything you can find used within your budget. Smokes almost everything used regardless of cost. Smokes most everything new regardless of cost. Herron might even have one available that came in on trade.