geo ...
Thanks for the input.
I know ARC does not use after market fuses in their products. Its my understanding however, that the fuses they do use are oriented in the proper direction by Warren before the product is shipped to the customer.
Your comment:
" The electricity and the electromagnetic field (audio signal) prefer to travel down wire that is oriented in the correct direction. It measurable and audible."
Okay, so does that mean that the "proper" direction of a fuse can be measured?
geo ...
Thanks for the input.
I know ARC does not use after market fuses in their products. Its my understanding however, that the fuses they do use are oriented in the proper direction by Warren before the product is shipped to the customer.
Your comment:
" The electricity and the electromagnetic field (audio signal) prefer to travel down wire that is oriented in the correct direction. It measurable and audible."
Okay, so does that mean that the "proper" direction of a fuse can be measured?