Processor upgrade from Integra 9.8?

With arrival of new SOTA TV, will be going from 99% 2-channel to 85%. For 3-d capability, my question is whether to upgrade to Integra DHC-80.3/Onkyo PR-SC5508 or to go higher up the chain. Not sure what, if anything, I will be giving up by purchasing at the $2K price point vs $5K, other than, of course, an extra $3K of expense. Also have an Oppo BDP-95 on the way for Blue-Ray/3D. Will be incorporating front speakers, preamp and amps from 2-channel into the HT system.

Thanks for any help.
Partial correction. I just spoke with Oppo and they told me that if the player's HDMI audio output is on and the prepro does not accept a DSD signal, then the player automatically converts DSD to PCM. Therefore, if you do not turn off the hdmi audio in the Oppo, the analog signal that outputs the player will be a DSD converted to PCM and then to analog.
Installed the Integra DHC-80.2 to replace my DTC-9.8. Money well spent. The sound is noticeably better (actually pretty amazing) as well as the room calibration/steering by the Audyssey 32 and other advanced DACs, etc.. Its close to a night and day difference - even greater than I had expected. Thanks all for your assistance.

I'm still using the video out of the Oppo, which is quite nice, although I'll probably experiment as time goes on with the 80.2 video. For now, couldn't ask for a better solution - had no idea this was such a no-brainer until doing the upgrade... :-)
BTW - plenty of bass from the 5 speakers, run as "full". Floor vibrates WITHOUT the SUB!! Easily able to supplement with low-bass from sub hooked up to 2-channel preamp as needed. Best of both worlds, w/o switches or brain damage.
How is the 2 channel from the 80.2 compared to your dedicated 2 channel setup (assuming you have tried it of course)?
Mfs, that's a question of interest to me as well. Kal seems to have dropped this thread or he is preoccupied. An 80.2/3 would simplify my setup. I supplement a Cary 11a with a DVDO Edge for video processing and a Velodyne SMS-1 for bass managing a pair of HGS-15 subs. An 80.2/3 could do all those functions IF it sounded as good as the Cary 11a, but that's a big if I'd like answered.

I wish there were a way to try an 80.2/3 in my setup before I buy aside from the hassle of the buy, try, then sell route that some Audiogon posters seem to use.
