Levinson no. 383 compared to others?

So, what is the consensus on the Levinson 383? I see a couple of good reviews online, yet many on this board don't seem to like it. No dealers around here, so I don't know what the house sound of Levinson is. The stuff I heard on the board was "grainy" but it was from only a few posters, and there didn't seem to be a whole lot of other hits on the 383 search. I have pretty much given up the pursuit of separates and want to get a good quality integrated. At this point, tubes or SS doesn't matter that much: I just want something musical and natural. I only need about 50-75wpc.

The 383 falls into my budget of $2500, at least the last one that just sold did.

Here are some others I was considering:
Simaudio I-5.3, McIntosh MA6900, Rowland Concentra or Concerto, Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista/Nu-Vista, Rogue Cronos or Tempest II, Cary SLI-80 F1, Primare I30, any others?