Dylan wins Nobel Prize in Literature

Awesome.   Best news I've read in a while.
Please, give an example of his "sublime" lyrics, let's discuss it.
We are not members of the Nobel Prize Committee, as far as I can guess, and as such cannot judge whether he deserves it or not. What we can judge is that his influence appears to be very strong and broad. We can also judge that he can't bloody sing or play a guitar. In addition, I suspect that the members of that committee are well aware of the existence of many poets and writers who are incomparably better at that. I read that the committee's decisions are often very political but cannot verify it. In any case, who is next - Rolling Stones or Pink Floyd ?
I don’t understand people who want others to do the heavy lifting for them. Listen for yourself; if you don’t get it, you don’t get it, no shame in that. Allen Ginsberg did, Sam Shepard did, John Lennon did, as did Bruce Springsteen and countless other leading songwriters and singers. You know who Bob loved that loved him back? Johnny Cash, another guy who couldn’t sing or play guitar "very well". I’d much rather listen to them than lots of "better" singers. To each his own.
A Facebook friend today posted a video of Marshall Crenshaw doing a killer version of "My Back Pages". It's on a compilation entitled Bleecker Street, and Marshall's take on the Dylan song is imo even better than is The Byrds', if you can believe that. And if I'm not mistaken, Marshall plays every instrument and sings every part. Really, really good. Available for viewing and listening on You Tube I assume. 
On a more personal note, though I won't listen to Dylan because I can't accept such a low level of musicianship and singing, I think he is quite authentic, kind of quaint and likeable city cowboy summoning memories of American heritage and evoking universal dreams and feelings of protest and discomfort.