Dylan wins Nobel Prize in Literature

Awesome.   Best news I've read in a while.
IMHO, inna has some issue that prevents him from accepting what most others hear when listening to Dylan. That's ok, but there are some things like art/music that transcend explanation. If you don't get it, (as bdp24 said), that's OK. Asking one to explain what (moves) another in any art form is a hard, maybe impossible task. Even then, it is person specific. It's the meaningful, thoughtful way of expressing a song, the grasp of the subject matter and relating it in a song. It is Dylan's voice, that has moved so many throughout decades of our history in a relevant way that I find meaningful even more as I grow older. What moves me will not likely move someone else in the same way.

I doubt that Dylan would have gone to DC to accept this award if he felt the way you express.
For the kind of music he made he was up there with the best. I own about 90% of his stuff. Congratulations Mr. Bob Dylan, I'll never stop playing your music.