It does cause one to wonder, what more could be invented to improve on what we have at our finger tips. I am afraid that as our entertainment becomes more and more intergrated with computers and internet distribution, and the reproduction technology continues to improve, will we actually get better sources? Or will the quality decrease as it has by the use of compacted files. I know that some argue that a high quality DAC and MP3 files can rival that of, for example SACD. I just have difficulty in believing that to be true. So as not to drift to far from your comments, I wonder if it will actually be better, or just a device to create motive to purchase. So will it be a way to drive the market or will make life better. Convenience can be a two edged sword. The microwave is quicker and provides a tastey edible meal, but isn't a home cooked meal better. Will we trade overall quality for convenience?
Just a thought from a "old fashioned" mentallity. One last thought, as we grow more dependant on the internet for our intertainment and we allow it to interweave with our lives, will privacy become obsolete?
Just a thought from a "old fashioned" mentallity. One last thought, as we grow more dependant on the internet for our intertainment and we allow it to interweave with our lives, will privacy become obsolete?