Dylan wins Nobel Prize in Literature

Awesome.   Best news I've read in a while.

A Facebook friend of a friend of mine yesterday posted an article entitled "How Jimi Hendrix's obsession with Bob Dylan led him to Woodstock". It was from something called "Cuepoint", whatever that is. I was unaware Hendrix was obsessed with Dylan.

A different friend's comment on the posting reads "His (Dylan's) singing on Blood On The Tracks is so incredibly great it defies words". One man's incredibly great is another man's trash.

Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize in Literature.  Read his lyrics and his book, Chronicles Volume One and you'll see why. While his music helps put across his poetry (much as Elizabethan stagecraft helped convey Shakespeare's) his musical sensibilities are primitive, sometimes very effectively so. I don't see how this discussion veered off onto Dylan's vocal abilities or guitar skills. There is no Nobel Prize in guitar playing. If there were, Jeff Beck would win that.

For anyone desiring help in understanding Dylan, or why others like him more than thee, here are some books that may be of interest:

The Old, Weird America: The World of Bob Dylan’s Basement Tapes; by Greil Marcus. Includes great info on the hugely influential Basement Tapes and The Band.

No Direction Home: The Life and Music of Bob Dylan; by Robert Shelton

Bob Dylan: Performing Artist, Vol.1: The Early Years 1960-1973; by Paul Williams. Paul also chronicled the making of the Beach Boys’ Smile album, Brian Wilson's lost masterpiece, as it was transpiring. It was originally published in three installments in Crawdaddy Magazine, and later reprinted in three chapters of his great book Outlaw Blues.

Bob Dylan: A Biography; by Anthony Scaduto

inna wrote, "Would you recommend a couple of albums, I only heard him once long time ago", & Debily,blayd'.

I think the more important question that needs addressing is, why a member has formed a years long, (maybe life long), opinion based on hearing an artist "once". Then requires another member to go into a more detailed explanation of why this member's reasoning for supporting Dylan's work should be relevant?

I could not base a formative opinion on any artist based on listening only once. That's just me, I guess.

(What does "Debily, blayd'" mean?) Not that your response would be of much importance based on that two word statement, but may help me understand any future posts you make.