TY- Dave,
as we both know, careful gear selection and proper cabling, can yield a spooky/realistic system. IME, this is what our wonderful hobby is all about.
My 1st taste of the prowess of Thiel loudspeakers was in a very simple, cheap in price, 2-channel set-up. NAD 565BEE cd player, an older Creek integrated (4 or 5 series) and Audioquest cabling throughout.
Luckily I had on -hand very familiar music to demo this set.
I was hooked after 1 or 2 songs. Such richness in the music unlike I had never experienced. Even though the Creek was light weight on both power and current, I can only imagine if that company built an amp close to Pass Labs (higher power + higher current). I can easily live w/ this particular system. It was that synergistic.
I hate the fact that newer NAD and so many other Audio companies choose to source china in the manufacturing. I do not subscribe nor buy gear (knowingly) made in china.