Thank you for the input. I would love to have the Bryston. But it would be in the $11,000 range which is not over the rainbow, it is the rainbow...cant wrap my head around that much for a pre/processor.
I will look into the Theta product as recommended. It is a wonderful piece to see and hear, maybe a contender. I would want to incorporate the HDMI board as i am looking for a complete solution.
Edorr...Thank you too, i have even considered this route. Considering the W4S as the DAC with analog, could run a good deal through it.
Audiojan, thank you, i will seek out the Mcintosh and take a look. I have not considered McIntosh until now, and will see how it would fit. Need to find a dealer. Krell will be investigated too.
Thank you to all who responded. I am trying to keep it under $7000 and would consider lightly used.
We live in rural area of Ventura county here in Calif. It is difficult to even find a dealer, let alone not have to drive 100+ miles round trip. I have written to two dealers listed on the Classe web site in Santa Barbara, but have not heard back from either.
Wishing you all well and to have fun with the hobby!
Thank you for the input. I would love to have the Bryston. But it would be in the $11,000 range which is not over the rainbow, it is the rainbow...cant wrap my head around that much for a pre/processor.
I will look into the Theta product as recommended. It is a wonderful piece to see and hear, maybe a contender. I would want to incorporate the HDMI board as i am looking for a complete solution.
Edorr...Thank you too, i have even considered this route. Considering the W4S as the DAC with analog, could run a good deal through it.
Audiojan, thank you, i will seek out the Mcintosh and take a look. I have not considered McIntosh until now, and will see how it would fit. Need to find a dealer. Krell will be investigated too.
Thank you to all who responded. I am trying to keep it under $7000 and would consider lightly used.
We live in rural area of Ventura county here in Calif. It is difficult to even find a dealer, let alone not have to drive 100+ miles round trip. I have written to two dealers listed on the Classe web site in Santa Barbara, but have not heard back from either.
Wishing you all well and to have fun with the hobby!