Dick's / Dave's picks

Anyone else into this series of Grateful Dead recordings?
If so, please list your fave (s) or collection.

@jond quote:

Raymonda I'm good thanks I have Charlie Millers version of it and it sounds amazing, I've shared it with a few folks here myself.


Charlie doesn't have a 5-8-77 release.

The 5-8-77 sbd comes from Hicks. still good.

Next yrs 40th ANNY should be blessed with the new Betty's (count on it)

Warner owns Bear's Choice

I'm surprised if Dave L. is running out of shows to release.  They have tons of tapes (literally) and he just needs to reprocess shows that are traded, or formerly released on the Dick's Picks series if done sig'ly better.

Dave's Process for audio extraction for releases:


Time consuming but worth it.


I've used Plangent Processes on a variety of projects for the Grateful Dead on older 16 track tapes as well as 2-track 7.5 ips material. The benefits of using the Plangent Process were added imaging, and outstanding clarity of the audio and pitch solidification...while keeping the original analog warmth.

- Jeffrey Norman, Grateful Dead

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