Can You See The Pancake Makeup In Your Blu-Rays?

In 2008 I bought a Marantz BD-8002 Blu Ray player. The image was absolutely stunning. It was so clear, I could see the cracks in the pancake makeup on some of the actors' faces. The player cost was $2k and worth every penny. The player has the Silicon Optics Realta chip. The time it took the disc to load up was an eternity. The outstanding picture made it well worth the wait. The player was hooked up to a projector and played on a 220 inch diagonal screen (16 feet wide x 9 feet high).

Well, my player has died a horrible death and I've been quoted approximately $700 or more to repair it. Marantz no longer makes a player with the Realta chip. Denon makes a universal player with the Realta chip, but it costs $4k...out of my league.

Do the new Oppo players' image stack up to the Realta chip? I would think after four years technology has improved in video and the costs should have come down. I need a new Blu-Ray player, and I'd like to not have to spend $2k again to get that kind of great image again. Also, I'd like to not have to wait 15 minutes for the disc to load as with my old player. Your help would be appreciated in this area with your experiences.
No hesitation at all to recommend the Oppo. I think you will find it equal to what ou had.
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They are a lot cheaper now Elizabeth! My 50" Panasonic Plasma was 1800.00! They're even cheaper than that now. Believe me I waited a long time before buying.