My limited experience, CJ tube vs Bryston vs McIntosh vs Adcom.
CJ good customer service, probably beyond your budget but I really enjoy my MV60SE. Bryston overall my favorite, awesome service, warranty and quality. If the 3B-SST isn't enough amp, $1000 may not come close. McIntosh, great sound quality but no better than CJ or Bryston, not so great service IMO, and pricey. Adcom, huge bang / watts for the buck on the used market, but does not have quite the sound quality of the others.
CJ good customer service, probably beyond your budget but I really enjoy my MV60SE. Bryston overall my favorite, awesome service, warranty and quality. If the 3B-SST isn't enough amp, $1000 may not come close. McIntosh, great sound quality but no better than CJ or Bryston, not so great service IMO, and pricey. Adcom, huge bang / watts for the buck on the used market, but does not have quite the sound quality of the others.