Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?

Ok, I've done the speaker measurements and with the dual JL Audio subs and the room calibration. What I found was that it is better to calibrate the JL Audio subs with there own microphone before using the DEQX with them.

I still need to figure out the delay functions and many of the other tweaks.

Does anyone think if there is a breakin time for the unit? I am using it as a Preamp so I assume like most things audio 200 hours of use time seems to be about right.

I also ordered a SR black fuse to match with all my other equipment.

One more question.

For those who own the BSG QOL, should the QOL be placed before the DEQX or after?

Does anyone think if there is a breakin time for the unit? I am using it as a Preamp so I assume like most things audio 200 hours of use time seems to be about right.

Ozzy, I see from your earlier post that you purchased a 'used' Premate so I would expect it is already broken in (if there is such a thing - the process of setup, measuring, calibrating and experimenting over the first few weeks will probably take long enough).

As for the BSG QOL, I have never seen this item before & I'm not clear what it would achieve after the Premate has done its processing. From a very quick look at a few web pages, it seems to work with phase shift. However the DEQX algorithms will correct phase and timing automatically for everything upstream anyway (via the mic measurements).

If you do plan to try this out, I would suggest downstream (before) the Premate but I recommend you set the system up without this and experiment later.


Though the Premate unit was purchased as used, I was told that it was never used just the box was opened up. Perhaps it was used as a demo. Everything about it looks brand new.

Thanks for your comments on the BSG QOL. Tomorrow, I will try the high analog output from the DEQX into the QOL with the QOL then going to my amp. My logic is that I have the speakers and room set up with the DEQX, so I should be able to hear what the QOL adds. But, I also intend to try it the other way too, that is before the DEQX.

I changed the fuse to the SR Black, but I am confused. The unit says to use a 2A fuse but what was in it was a 1Amp.

I also changed the jumpers settings, while inside I noticed that the mother board says HDP-4 which is perhaps a good thing. But, on the power cables going to the IEC there is a cheapo snap on RCA ferret, perhaps a bad thing.


The logic behind my response is that DEQX corrects the speakers (+ Amps) & room whereas the QOL appears to deal with phase anomalies on the source recording. Adding this component between the Premate & amps will upset the measured relationship so I would not do that.