upgrade advice

i bought the Hegel h160 integrated amplifier with pair of Spendor D7 loudspeakers.
the source is bluesound node 2 .
speakers cables are VOVOX vocalis. all other cables are regular.
i want to upgrade my sound and wonder what would be the best way to start.
to change my power cable,my digital cable,speakers cable or buy a better external DAC  than the hegel internal.
thaks for your advice

On another note, I notice that you have VOVOX vocalis speaker cables. I tested some VOVOX sonorous XLR interconnects a while back (they don’t have sonorous anymore, but it’s probably equivalent to the vocalis line). The sound was very balanced and all the frequencies were there, but it just did not reach out and grab me. There was not any excitement in the music. It was like the cable was holding the music back and wasn’t letting it breath. I inquired with VOVOX and found they used a 26 awg solid-core conductor. I’m assuming this was the reason for the constrained sound (there is controversy in the audio industry - some say the smallest conductor is the best if you can get away with it).

I ended up sending them back to the distributor and exchanging them for some Evidence Audio Lyric HG XLR interconnects. These used a 20awg solid-core conductor and sounded much better - more exciting with more punch and everything else. Since then, I have made my own cables that are just far superior (they come in at 17awg), but I have also listened to Wire World Eclipse 7. The Wire World are excellent cables as well. I think it comes down to awg in interconnects as well as all other cable (power, internal power, speaker, etc).

I have no idea how the VOVOX speaker cable sound or if they are restricting anything at all. Their website does say they use larger solid-core conductors in their expensive cable, but they don’t publish the final cable awg. If you were inclined, you could try an experiment. Get some 12awg OFC stranded copper speaker wire (really cheap - monoprice for $15). Burn them in for at least 24 hours and then give a listen. (I’ve recommended this in another thread as well). If it’s more open and exciting, it may point to the VOVOX restricting the sound. It’s up to you at this point what you want to do, whether keeping the 12awg or looking for a more expensive cable. I actually use the 12awg cheap stranded at this point, and it’s very excellent if you have good equipment. I just haven’t gotten to the point of looking at speaker wire (maybe next year).

Many thanks for sharing this data with me.
guess ill will have to do many experiments.
On the Wyred 4 Sound.  I will agree that a Wyred 4 Sound modified Sonus Connect can make an excellent digital transport.  Keep in mind that the Wyred 4 Sound mod will have one fixed output sampling frequency (they recommend 96Khz).  Also, keep in mind that the Sonus Connect does not have USB to allow connection of an external USB drive.  You'll have to stream files from a computer or NAS device.  But it does have Tidal, lol.  Wyred 4 Sound are selling upgraded new Sonus Connects for $890 ($340 for the sonus, which is a good price) - or you can buy used and send it in for upgrade.  It is not a DAC, just a transport, so you'll still be using the Hegel DAC (unless you also want to buy a new DAC).
Give your Node 2 a boost, insert a Wyred Remedy reclocker between it and your Hegel, it will make more of a difference than any of the cables mentioned here.