Agear wrote,
"Okay, but one obvious source of argument is whether they are the manifestation of fixed "laws" at work (or design if you will) versus a habitual, evolutionary process. That aside, how about dialing morphic resonance into audio? Management of vibrational energy in an audio system. One of my current areas of research interest lies in nanotechnology. Small scale design (imperceptible to the naked eye) influences function. By corollary, material science (the subtext of this thread) plays a role in terms of the influence of vibration and performance, etc."
I’m not sure we’re on the same page yet. The argument is as you say, whether these habits of nature are evolutionary or embedded in genes or are they something else, something outside of the genes and evolution? Of course as things evolve so does the Morphic field, so it’s more complex. I supposedly we are taught that certain behaviors are passed genetically or evolve but I kind of doubt that there is much more than a passing handwaving involved with any actual education involved. Yet most of us grow up kind of believing that. ASSUMING that. ASSUMING fir example that information is stored in cells somewhere in the brain. Things of that nature. Then there’s the little problem that inanimate objects also obey the rules, for lack of a better word, of Morphic resonance. It’s not just animals and plants. But I digress. Now, getting from how the whole Morphic resonance thing works in nature to how it applies to audio is going to take some time. LOL
I also am interested in nanotechnology; would you believe I have at least one product that is Nanotechology based, probably more if I stopped to think about it. The Super Intelligent Chip for sure. Probably Dark Matter. But I digress. The reason I introduced y’all to Morphic resonance is to show that there is a connection to audio. That connection has been around a very long time, longer than most of you ladies have been in the hobby I’d opine. Things have been evolving in audio, too. I personally have at least five products based on Morphic resonance and many of those products have been around quite some time, but who’s counting. Hey, am I having deja vu? Didn’t I already say that? Duh!
geoff kait
machina dynamica
"Okay, but one obvious source of argument is whether they are the manifestation of fixed "laws" at work (or design if you will) versus a habitual, evolutionary process. That aside, how about dialing morphic resonance into audio? Management of vibrational energy in an audio system. One of my current areas of research interest lies in nanotechnology. Small scale design (imperceptible to the naked eye) influences function. By corollary, material science (the subtext of this thread) plays a role in terms of the influence of vibration and performance, etc."
I’m not sure we’re on the same page yet. The argument is as you say, whether these habits of nature are evolutionary or embedded in genes or are they something else, something outside of the genes and evolution? Of course as things evolve so does the Morphic field, so it’s more complex. I supposedly we are taught that certain behaviors are passed genetically or evolve but I kind of doubt that there is much more than a passing handwaving involved with any actual education involved. Yet most of us grow up kind of believing that. ASSUMING that. ASSUMING fir example that information is stored in cells somewhere in the brain. Things of that nature. Then there’s the little problem that inanimate objects also obey the rules, for lack of a better word, of Morphic resonance. It’s not just animals and plants. But I digress. Now, getting from how the whole Morphic resonance thing works in nature to how it applies to audio is going to take some time. LOL
I also am interested in nanotechnology; would you believe I have at least one product that is Nanotechology based, probably more if I stopped to think about it. The Super Intelligent Chip for sure. Probably Dark Matter. But I digress. The reason I introduced y’all to Morphic resonance is to show that there is a connection to audio. That connection has been around a very long time, longer than most of you ladies have been in the hobby I’d opine. Things have been evolving in audio, too. I personally have at least five products based on Morphic resonance and many of those products have been around quite some time, but who’s counting. Hey, am I having deja vu? Didn’t I already say that? Duh!
geoff kait
machina dynamica