Where does the money go in a Blu Ray player?

Where does the money go in a Blu Ray player?

Is the picture appreciably better in a $4,000 player versus a $500 player? I'm sure you can get better sound and other features as you go up the Blu Ray food chain, but does the Blu Ray image improve all that much as the cost increases? I know that some have better up-conversion than others. But, are all Blu Ray images created equal?
I really don't understand the hand wringing when you can buy an Oppo BDP-93 for $500 or a BDP-95 for $1000 if you need analog audio. I'd guess you'd be unable to realize any improvement in video regardless of what you pay.

Just don't get sucked into the "if it costs more, then it must be better" mentality. This is precisely why there is a high-end market to cater for such people.

Marketers know that just putting a higher pricetag on something will alone make it more desirable and "better" to some.

I would suggest whatever you end up with, then go to Best Buy or Target and pick up the $199 Sony Blue Ray player and compare pictures on your TV. You can easily return if not happy with it. My guess is that sound quality will go up more than video from that point.
Gammajo, sounds like a plan. Picture quality is paramount in my requirements for a player.