Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
"Cyril Davis" from the album "Why?" is indeed my reference tune when I'm weighing comparisons - that tune with my Pass X150.5 a while back was pretty much stunning.  

There's a similarly named cut on another one of his albums entitled "Cyril Davies",  arranged slightly differently but they're essentially the same composition.  Either version works for me. 

I own Baker's Air Force recordings on vinyl, all of his latter and latest efforts on CD. I started revisiting his stuff after seeing the documentary "Beware Of Mr. Baker" about a year ago or so on some cable channel.  It's quite an unflattering portrait of a very strange individual.  Such a nasty man.  

What surprises me all the more is how brief his time was with Cream and Blind Faith, yet that will certainly be the headline on and the bulk of material  contained in his obituary.  There's some pretty good stuff to be had during his post-rock days. "Why?" is quite good all the way through.  

I'll say it once last time - I am a total idiot for letting go of the Pass. 
I. Am. A. Total. Idiot. For. Letting. Go. Of. My. Pass. Labs. X150.5. 

I promise not to say that again. Let it serve as a testimonial to others whom might be considering a "better" amp for their Thiels.  


are you running any all-Spectral gear system? What cabling (most important)?

I must admit that the Spectral 4000 cd player/processor is on my must demo list.  Happy Listening!
I think we all feel this way- catalysis

You all that champion these older, legacy, speakers feel the same way I do about Jim Thiel's last models the "CS" series.  Happy Listening!

are you having any problem/issues w/ your CS 2.7 speakers?
Or, are you stocking up on spare drivers? Smart.

Happy Listening!

excellent point about boxes & packing.  I must confess that I did not bring home (Texas to Alabama) the boxes for my 2.4SE speakers.
I simply, did not have the room and did want wish to make that wonderful trek w/ the speakers in the bed of my truck.

Turns out the weather was perfect, no rain, that whole trip. Who knew?
This is the 1 st time I have ever turned down the boxes.
I did bring home the packing, manual and even the plastic bags/wrapping are #'d for this limited edition speaker.  Top quality folks!

Happy Listening!