Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

excellent point about boxes & packing.  I must confess that I did not bring home (Texas to Alabama) the boxes for my 2.4SE speakers.
I simply, did not have the room and did want wish to make that wonderful trek w/ the speakers in the bed of my truck.

Turns out the weather was perfect, no rain, that whole trip. Who knew?
This is the 1 st time I have ever turned down the boxes.
I did bring home the packing, manual and even the plastic bags/wrapping are #'d for this limited edition speaker.  Top quality folks!

Happy Listening!

back to my old friend here- I know you and the Pass Labs will interlude again very soon.  Go ahead and grab the amp before the value and prices continue to increase! PL is the best solid state in 2016.

Back to Ginger Baker- I saw the documentary and felt it was wonderful.
Besides "cabling" I read -an avid reader on Biographies/Autobiographies
on musicians and/or bands. The Beatles lead the way. Followed by The Rolling Stones, The Who, The Grateful many others....

While most of these people are/were straight-up entertainers,
others, like Keith Moon, John Bonham, Bon Scott and Mr. Baker, of course,
have "demons" that make them tick. For better or worse (the ones who died way too early) those demons takes them to unhealthy places and dispositions.

The good news: we will always have their musical  contributions!
Happy Listening!

jafant, Yes I have run an All Spectral system for (20) years. All the required MIT ICs, Speaker, PCs. Currently MIT Oracle MA X.
 The best cables that I have used! And they love my current system: Manley Steelhead, Pass 160.8s, Avalons. The Oracle's are hard to beat!
Yes the Spectral 4000 is a fantastic player. But I am a Vinyl Guy. (83) CDs , approaching (3000) LPs. $10,000 for a used Spectral CD is not an option. 25yr old CD connected to the (1) Manley input w/Oracle's makes CD tolerable to warmup system or listen while doing other things.
MIT has updated their line. The Oracles can be had for fair prices on the used market and well worth the price. If you can pay even the used cost.    Best Wishes 
Thanks! again -nkonor.

I want to hang out with you, my friend!  Luckily, Manley and Pass Labs are sonic matches for Thiel loudspeakers.  Additionally, I have read about owners using M.I.T. cabling to boot. A win-win-win- all around.

Happy Listening!