barking, you are not doing us any favors. If you really want to oblige us then take the hate somewhere else. The knowledgeable, experienced guys have heard all of this crap before. Cable haters are a dime a dozen. What you have said here means nothing. A good majority of folks here know better, and have experienced higher performance from high quality cabling on many occasions.
Gonna say it again...A well designed audio interconnect, speaker cable, power cable, digital or USB cable WILL in FACT outperform your inferior cable in a resolving audio system setup in a proper listening space. Face it, deal with it, move on please.
cvarivey, your statement couldn't be farther from the truth. It blows my mind that you actually believe this. No one here in the know will take you seriously if you keep this up.
No unicorns were harmed in the process of typing this post, only the egos of the inexperienced haters and the admirers of dielectric bling. Love to see this potentially informative thread get back on track. Sorry for the hater hurdles we must jump.
Gonna say it again...A well designed audio interconnect, speaker cable, power cable, digital or USB cable WILL in FACT outperform your inferior cable in a resolving audio system setup in a proper listening space. Face it, deal with it, move on please.
cvarivey, your statement couldn't be farther from the truth. It blows my mind that you actually believe this. No one here in the know will take you seriously if you keep this up.
No unicorns were harmed in the process of typing this post, only the egos of the inexperienced haters and the admirers of dielectric bling. Love to see this potentially informative thread get back on track. Sorry for the hater hurdles we must jump.