Experience with Tannoy Westminster Royal Gold Reference

I own these great looking speakers for a few months, and i am looking for views on its sound quality and people who have long experienced these speakers with different amps, electronics, and rooms, etc..
Based on my short experience, it seems that they are very easy on power quantity as being very efficient speakers, but require absolute quality watts to sound their best.
It feels as if they have infinite potential for sound quality and power, as long as you have what it takes to feed them, so how far can i, should i go with these in terms of associated equipment?
I hope that experienced audiophiles out there can help me realize the full potential on these beauties.
I see that you have already placed the order for your, yet I have some suggestions being a Tannoy prestige speaker owner too. I have tried Wavac, FM Acoustics, Tenor Audio, Pass Labs, McIntosh, Naim and few more amps with my speakers.

If I have to buy a SS amp today it will be the First Watt F6. It is one of the most transparent and honest sounding solid state amp I have ever heard. It costs only $2500 but believe me it is better than most $25k amps out there and your Westminister will revel with its pure class A 25 watts because its current delivery super quick. It presents music with the kind of life and energy thats scary real. If you are open to listening then check it out.

For tube amps even though Kondo is amazing (and unaffordable) I would suggest you look at the Zanden amps. They are state of the art and not as expensive.
thanks Pani for your input. I am very open to try them out and was actually wanting to try one for my secondary system, but then a friend of mine who is a Pass representative (he owns the Xs300) told me that it wasn't good enough. If only everyone had the same ears and brain!! all would be much simpler...
I did not necessarily wanted an SS amp, what i wanted was excellent quality sound plus the power, and as said earlier somewhere, i want to really push the limits. Anyone not too pushy would be more than satisfied with the excellent sound quality (and with some power too) that I get out of the Coincident Dragon MkII, really really good. It is far from sure that the Gryphon will do a better job, and if it's the case, i may want to sell them back anyway.
From the Wavac to the Naim which you tried, which did a better job? did the First Watt do a better job overall? and which Prestige model do you have?

Our customers have had really good comments working with this speaker. It seems to be very tube friendly.
The Tannoys will work well with most Tube Amps and if you can swing it id put a pair of OTL amplifiers on those beauties.

If you watch a few videos on You tube nearly all of them are paired with Tube Amps.

Those speaker deserve the best Tube amp you can afford.

I bet a Pair of M60 Atma-Sphere amps will drive them very well and still keep your bank balance happy.
Thanks dragon_vibe, at first I thought your name would have a relation with the Coincident Dragon MkII... those are the ones i actually had the the Tannoy!!
As you can see in the thread, i have gone ahead with ordering Gryphon Mephisto solo. I was a few months ago considering OTL amps, but was not sure of their capacity to drive those big drivers. My choice for OTL was going towards Einstein Silver Bullet. But for now, will have to hear what the Gryphon can do.