Hi Ozzy,
I believe these paragraphs from version 2.98 of the manual may explain the issue you referred to just above. (I assume version 3.02 of the manual provides similar information, but I haven't looked for it there):
HTH. Regards,
-- Al
I believe these paragraphs from version 2.98 of the manual may explain the issue you referred to just above. (I assume version 3.02 of the manual provides similar information, but I haven't looked for it there):
Note - when the Save All to DEQX button is clicked, all four profiles from the open configuration are saved to the DEQX. Since all profiles of a new configuration are disabled until you change them, if you install a correction filter in just one profile of a new configuration, then save it to the DEQX, the other profiles of the DEQX will be disabled, irrespective of what those profiles may have been before.
Note that the DEQX Configurations saved to the DEQX unit have been generated in 'non-real time' i.e. they only affect the processing by the DEQX unit once the Save All to DEQX button is clicked. This contrasts to changes made in the DEQX Control Panel, which affect the processing on the DEQX in ‘real time’ i.e. any change made in the DEQX Control Panel instantaneously affects the DEQX. For more on this subject see IO Manager in the Reference section.
To save a DEQX Configuration on your PC (not on the DEQX), click on the Save button once you have set up the DEQX Configuration. This also saves the measurement(s) and correction(s) you have created.
HTH. Regards,
-- Al