Seller asked for PayPal fees after the sale. Should I pay them or not?

I recently purchased an item and after accepting my offer the seller asked for PayPal fees (3%). I checked the listing and nothing was listed in the ad about my paying the fees.  I have already payed half the fee but I'm not sure if I should have paid the full amount. Changing the deal after accepting the offer feels wrong to me. Looking for guidance.

mitchchavis said:

........but since I had already made payment I paid his ransom.

Please explain what you mean by you had already made the payment.

Thanks very much for the feedback.  Just to clarify I, and I believe the seller, have no complaints about our deal.   I received some good guidelines for how to handle future offers so this will not occur again.
I had already paid the agreed price for the item. The seller then required for me to pay the PayPal fee before he shipped the item out.

mitchchavis said:
I had already paid the agreed price for the item. The seller then required for me to pay the PayPal fee before he shipped the item out.

WOW! Isn’t that considered extortion? Did that happen here on Agon? If so did you notify them? I would think the seller also would have been in trouble with Paypal. The guy is a low life crook....

I think anybody that charges a 3% Paypal fee should reciprocate and reimburse any retailer for credit card fees the retailer has to pay anytime the buyer uses a credit card. Seems only fair.


I was not pleased with the seller but it being my first transaction on Audiogon and the fact that the seller already had my agreed upon payment I went ahead and paid his ransom(extortion).