CDP recommendation for Creek Classic 5350se

Hey all,
I need some recommendations on a CDP. I posted yesterday for feedback on a Yamaha CD-S700 but didn't get much traction on that post.

I'm currently using the 5350se with Neat Motive 3 speakers. Most of the time I listen to FLAC from my PC through a MF VDAC2.
But now that I've got lots of CD's I would like to listen to them occasionally on a dedicated CDP.
In the meanwhile I have an Arcam DV135. It's a decent CDP, but I'm wondering if a dedicated unit would be better.
The Creek's are obvious recommendations.. CD53, or Classic CD, EVO, EVO2, EVO 50a....
I haven't heard any, and they don't come up often on the used boards, so not sure how the newer EVO match with the "older" 5350se.
Another option is an Arcam.. but again, which? There are CD17, 72, 73, 23, 192 ....

Anything else come to mind?
Oppo is usually considered to excel far above its price range, and... they are coming out with new improved versions.

But... it is always possible that better speakers, room treatments or digital 'shaping' of the speakers (e.g. DEQX or other) would be much more cost effective.

or.. maybe the source material can be upgraded with remasters, etc.

Opo has always allowed you to try a unit for 30 days, a very generous policy, so...
I can tell you positively that an Arcam CD93T is a fantastic player,, if you can locate one. 4 Wolfson DAC's per channel with 24/192kHz upsampling. My friend has had one for years and it sounds great." Acousteel" damping material for vibration and emi/rfi rejection. Independently regulated analog and digital power supplies. One of Arcam’s finest sounding IMHO.

The OPPO BDP105D is great also. It has a fantastic audio section. 


One more smooth player to consider. Rega Apollo r. 
New $1,100. It gets the job done. I see them listed on A'gon from time to time. I listened to one at Audible Elegance in Cincinnati last weekend. PrimaLuna integrated amp, Cardas Parsec cables and Totmem Hawk speakers. Very smooth and musical. 


any of the NAD BEE series cd players are sonic matches for this amp.
Sounds excellent to boot.  Happy Listening!
Thanks for the suggestions.

My budget does allow for one of those BEE players, so that is an option.
Another one is a Rega Apollo.

Anyone have experience with the Apollo and Creek?

Another option is perhaps to replace the MF V-DAC 2 and use the Arcam as a transport. That would also upgrade my PC music.

I'm not sure if I want to get into the adventure of finding another DAC