Inexpensive speaker cables

Hi everyone, I have a pair of nordost cables which are too short for my new setup. Looking for inexpensive cables to replace these (under $350), what are the best recommendation, I only know about nordost and audio quest


best speaker cable available in my opinion in Mogami 3103, 12 gauge but closer to 11awg
very flexible
cant go wrong
The best value I've found, and I've tried many, are these from an obscure company in Colorado called Audio Envy.

I'm probably opening a can of worms but I still want to bring up the obvious. The most effective speaker cable is the one that can transmit the current from Amp to speaker with minimum loss. i.e fattest gauge you can buy (many scientific experiments available online e.g. So why not Monoprice Nimbus 12AWG 4-conductor for bi-wiring

I have 12AWG Taralabs 4-wire sitting in a drawer. Didn't notice any difference when I had to replace them with the Monoprice 12AWG 4-wire due to my need for longer run.