Arcam DV139 vs Oppo 95; any thoughts?

I have heard all the buzz surrounding the Oppo 95 (and soon 105). I want to believe the talk that it is so stellar on redbook CD. But still. . .

I currently have the Arcam DV79. I absolutely love the video quality. Arcam video is very film-like. It seems unique among players this way. CD playback is ok, but recently I've been using it as a transport to a Rega DAC. The sonics stay the same but the Rega makes it musical.

Now the 79 is starting to fail, so I want to replace it. Highest priority is 2-channel CD audio.

Has anyone done a direct comparison between the Arcam 139 and the Oppo? I'm hoping either will be of sufficient quality to allow me to sell the DAC (space issues). I've read some comments in other forums. The impression that I'm getting is that the Oppo has great technical prowess, while the Arcam sounds more like music. This is the essential condition for me. I'm not interested in sophistication if playback retains that digital edge.

Any insight would be much appreciated. Happy Thanksgiving, people!
Either of my Esoteric DV50s, or my Ayre C-5xe will beat your JVC, and my dog can beat up your dog.
If anyone is still checking this; I don't think the question was ever answered, model-to-model. The reason I am asking is that I have an opportunity to buy the Arcam DV139 at a good price; but Oppo 95s are hard to find.
"The reason I am asking is that I have an opportunity to buy the Arcam DV139 at a good price; but Oppo 95s are hard to find. "

Found one! Got it! Thanks for the help!