Search for miracle integrated

Hello All,

I'm on a search for a very specific type of integrated. I am upgrading my system from the top of the stream down. I go all digital / Lossless quality or higher so the logical start was with the DAC. I just received my Yggdrasil which I absolutely LOVE and feel that I got a much better value than I was expecting (even with all the praise online it met and exceeded my expectations).

My quest continues with the integrated. I am looking for a company that spends very little on marketing and works to move as much of the value for the money to the product itself. Very high value is important to me, I want to get value above the price and I don't want to pay for anything I don't need (such as a built-in DAC as I already have one). The more musical and the higher the clarity the better. My short list is pretty short- the SimAudio Moon 600i and Ayre's integrated.  Some other factors are below. I typically buy new but I'm open to a good value in a used product as well.

Budget (only for the integrated): $8K+/-
Music preference: classical, light rock, pop
End speakers:  It is between Accoustic Zen Crescendo / Vandy Quatros / Wilson Sophias / Revel Salon Ultimas 
Power: 150 WPC+ into 8 ohm

How about a used Krell FBI. It's Class A. Designed by D'agostino. Check out the reviews.  I know Streophile reviewed it, but not sure who else may have.  I would think 8K would buy one in good condition. I know it's not by an "unknown" company but it is an excellent integrated. 

I tried many including Vitus RI-100, Plinius 9200, plinius Hiato, Jeff Rowland continuum 500, Accuphase E-470 and E-600, Luxman 590ax, Bryston 135, Musical Fidelity Nuvistas, BAT-3000 and some others during last 15 years.

Currently have PASS INT-250 and INT-60 before. Both are outstanding and for the money (buying from Mark at Reno HiFI) and reputation and service, I doubt you can find any better than this.

Pass INT-60 would be my choice - it will get you closer to life sound than any others I heard. It has 2K VA toroidal transformer inside, even so it rated only 60db at 8ohm and 120 at 4ohm, it highly biased to class A and drove my speakers (Sonus Faber Guarneri Evo that are not that efficient) without braking a sweat.

The Krell Vanguard integrated sounds awesome.  Best integrated Krell has ever made.
I would take the Wells Audio Majestic integrated over an Accuphase integrated any day of the week, and for a fraction of the price ($3599USD). ....spoken by someone who's never heard an Accuphase  E-600. I've heard both and can audition both for you at short notice.