Tube dampeners on ARC gear ... FREE TWEAK

Here's a cheap (free) tweak for owners of ARC gear using the black tube dampeners. If you move both dampeners as far up toward the top of the tube as possible without having the top one fall off, taking care that both dampeners are solidly touching each other, you will get better dynamics, bass, mids, highs and a lower noise floor. Try it ... you'll like it.
Just wanted to add a wholehearted endorsement of the Herbie's tube dampers. I've now installed these on all tubes (signal and power supply) on my ARC Ref40 and Phono 2SE -- all I can say is wow!  Compared with the original rubber rings the difference is night and day, a whole layer of distortion disappears. Vocal tracks that I had written off as etched or edgy are now totally clear and a wealth of high end detail comes through that had been masked before. This is particularly apparent on leading edges of percussion making it much easier to distinguish between different types of cymbals

At first blush it may seem as if some of the "impact" is diminished but I put this down to removal of a sort of echo around major dynamic edges

Anyway wholeheartedly recommended and thanks for the tip oregonpapa -- now to get more for my power amps
^^^ Folkfreak ...

I'm not the person to thank for the Herbie's recommendation, that's for sure.

I do have a question for you though:  Did you try the dampeners just on the signal tubes before adding them to the power supply tubes? Reason I ask is, I was wondering how effective the Herbie's dampeners were on the power tubes in addition to the signal tubes. 

By the way, I'm having fun with my friend Robert in that I haven't told him about the Herbie's dampeners in the preamp. He's been bringing over some of his "special stash" of outstanding sounding LP's and he just keeps saying that he knew they were good, just not THAT good. Hee, hee ... I love a mystery.  I'll spring it on him when the system is completed with the Herbie dampeners. 

One of the records Robert brought over the other night included a bongo player in the right/rear of the sound stage. I've got to say, those bongos were right there in the room in all of their natural sounding glory.  It was so real, we just about fell off of our chairs. An incredible recording indeed ... but who knew? 

Oregonpapa -- yes I did start with them just on the signal tubes then ordered more for the power supply -- while having them on the signal tubes is good having them on the power supply as well is more than twice as good -- now note that my PS is not as well isolated as my control box (the ARC Ref40 is a two box set up) -- the latter sits on Marigo footers on a custom shelf while the PSU is just on the stock footers isolated by some constrained layer damping pads. Nevertheless I wholeheartedly recommend getting the dampers for the power supply tubes as well

folkfreak ...

Thanks for the quick response.

That's exactly what I wanted to hear. I suspected that the power tubes would be a significant improvement ... but twice as good? ... Great, I'll save them for last. I suppose the increased glass/size of the power tubes is what makes the difference over the signal tubes. 

Just changing the dampeners on the signal tubes in my REF-3 has made a world of difference. I can only imagine what your REF-40 and your Phono 2SE  sounds like.  It has to be wonderful.

I just love my ARC gear. I have an ARC Classic 60 that is used as a spare. It used to be my main amp. It doesn't have a removable power cord, no mods at all even. I had it completely gone through by the local tech this year. I used it when I was between the REF-75 and the REF-75se.  Gotta say ... its warmer sounding and not as accurate as the latest REF gear, but man 'o man ... it just melts your heart. 

Looking forward to more of your reports on the tube dampeners.

Take care ...


Folkfreak, you use Herbie's tube dampers on both the 6H30 and 6550 tubes? I have them on the 6H30 signal tubes in my Ref 5se and Ref CD7. I thought about ordering some more for the 6H30 in each of the power supplies. I had not consider putting them on the 6550 in my Ref 5se though.