Tube dampeners on ARC gear ... FREE TWEAK

Here's a cheap (free) tweak for owners of ARC gear using the black tube dampeners. If you move both dampeners as far up toward the top of the tube as possible without having the top one fall off, taking care that both dampeners are solidly touching each other, you will get better dynamics, bass, mids, highs and a lower noise floor. Try it ... you'll like it.

folkfreak ...

Thanks for the quick response.

That's exactly what I wanted to hear. I suspected that the power tubes would be a significant improvement ... but twice as good? ... Great, I'll save them for last. I suppose the increased glass/size of the power tubes is what makes the difference over the signal tubes. 

Just changing the dampeners on the signal tubes in my REF-3 has made a world of difference. I can only imagine what your REF-40 and your Phono 2SE  sounds like.  It has to be wonderful.

I just love my ARC gear. I have an ARC Classic 60 that is used as a spare. It used to be my main amp. It doesn't have a removable power cord, no mods at all even. I had it completely gone through by the local tech this year. I used it when I was between the REF-75 and the REF-75se.  Gotta say ... its warmer sounding and not as accurate as the latest REF gear, but man 'o man ... it just melts your heart. 

Looking forward to more of your reports on the tube dampeners.

Take care ...


Folkfreak, you use Herbie's tube dampers on both the 6H30 and 6550 tubes? I have them on the 6H30 signal tubes in my Ref 5se and Ref CD7. I thought about ordering some more for the 6H30 in each of the power supplies. I had not consider putting them on the 6550 in my Ref 5se though. 
Yes, I use the larger ones on the 6550s. They fit very easily and securely and with the adjustments can even accommodate tubes that are very close to one another. I'd heartily recommended using them on all the tubes in your system 
lostbears ...

I have the CD7-se.  How was the improvement with the Herbie's dampeners? 

Also, have you considered using Herbie's "Black Hole" CD mat? It has rave reviews. I contacted Herbie via Email and he says it works well with our top loading players.  Its on my bucket list ... to do after all tubes in the system has been outfitted with the Herbie dampeners. 


 I just got the 8 Herbie's tube dampers the other day. I put 4 on the signal tubes in my CD7 and 4 on the signal tubes in my Ref 5se. I put them all on at he same time. So far I do hear a difference between the Herbie's and the ARC ones. The soundstage seems a bit bigger and more well defined, a bit more detailed. The bass also seems crisper. But I just got them the other day. So I have not had a chance to spend a lot of time listening with them in the system yet.

 CD mats definitely work without a problem in the CD7. I have not tried the Herbie's mat. I have an old Marigo Labs Signature mat that I have had for a number of years. The Herbie's mat is cheap enough, I may order one when I order more tube dampers.

The biggest improvement I have made in my system. Audio Research Ref 5se, Ref CD7 and Ref 110. Was replacing my Furman power conditioner with a Shunyata Triton and Alpha HC power cable I bought here on Audiogon. It was like someone took a blanket off the speakers. The sound did not change, but it was richer, more focused. The Triton seems to emphasize all the best attributes of the Ref 5se. It was just amazing. Every time I make a change I don't see how my system could get any better. To be honest it is getting hard to compare anything anymore. I end up just getting lost in the music,