Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?

Mechanical grounding or isolation from vibration has been a hot topic as of late.  Many know from experience that footers, stands and other vibration technologies impact things that vibrate a lot like speakers, subs or even listening rooms (my recent experience with an "Energy room").  The question is does it have merit when it comes to electronics and if so why?  Are there plausible explanations for their effect on electronics or suggested measurement paradigms to document such an effect?
agear wrote,

"Kait, since Sheldrake makes an argument for things like telepathy and telekinesis (, would't that be the ultimate form of equipment isolation? Use our minds to float the stuff. Now that is from the future"

Yes, it's from the future. Your future. But my present.

have a good one
Even if it floats it will still suffer from shear wave interference. It needs to be rigidly coupled to remove and dissipate the polarity of shear that becomes a part of the signal. Tom. Star Sound Technologies
1,388 posts
11-01-2016 4:41pm
Even if it floats it will still suffer from shear wave interference. It needs to be rigidly coupled to remove and dissipate the polarity of shear that becomes a part of the signal. Tom. Star Sound Technologies

Sorry, Tom, but that statement cannot possibly be true. If it were true, which it’s not, the LIGO project to detect gravity waves produced by merging galaxies, merging black holes and the Big Bang would never have been able to develop isolation systems capable of reducing the seismic background noise sufficiently to be able to observe gravity waves with amplitudes on the order of the diameter of a neutron. Which, by the way, is much much smaller than the diameter of an atom. Follow?

Have a nice week,

Geoff Kait
machina dynamica
give me a strong enough spring and I'll isolate the world
Nope..I do not and will not follow you!

The Ligo system maybe designed to destroy all polarities of shear and maybe it works well at that function to extract and detect gravity waves. 

Polarties of shear..are a part of the mechanical function of speakers and other reproduced audio signal ..signals that will be reduced in amplitude by your methods and others you tout. Key negative words to descibe your methods..Canellation and forces to overcome the Interia your methods present to any thing that has a chance of motion for reproducing a copy of the original signal. Think of a voice coil..think of stylus motion. They have to overcome the body of resistance and counter action your wares present to any responsive and linear motion. Tom

Tom, you are continuing to relate to loudspeaker function and sound which is no longer the topic of discovery here. Stick to Ligo for that project governs everything known and unknown for all mankind.

Still waiting for Mr. Kait to tell us what Ligo has to do with audible sound here on earth and/or how it relates to audio equipment and sound room performance. As a retired sound engineer I can only state that thank goodness Ligo has not ruined music as much as it continues to ruin this thread. Speaking of which...

okAIT - It’s my turn now.

Mr. Kait attempts to belittle another listener stating:

“Sorry, but once I see, "I have 30 years in audio or I have been doing this for 40 years, therefore..." I don’t read whatever comes next. Force of habit. Lol”


Mr. Kait comes back with  - “Besides Townshend and I between us have more than 40 years of experience in vibration isolation.”

Huh???   40 years here and another 40 there… Read ON!

Question: “40 years between us”; is that similar to “collectively”? Mr. Kait, you might check with Mr. Townshend and get legal permission before you consider him your adopted brother.

Then Mr. Kait rants on - “Only a fool would enter the fray at this point but I guess you guys are desperate so let er rip! Lol”

Sorry to report Mr. Kait, we are not desperate to spend time wasted with you. Unlike yourself who constantly attempts to belittle the members here, we absolutely honor clients with 30 to 40 years in audio and truly appreciate it when they share their listening experiences with us. That type of participation is how we continue to learn and innovate. 

While on the topic of experience: It appears that I have been mixing music on a professional level while you were listening to FM radios in college and years before your state-of-the-art reference Walkman was first manufactured and fifteen years or so before you sold your first bag of audio rocks. If we were to add up the collective years of experience between the engineers and people involved in our company, we would very easily topple the century mark. The names and backgrounds of our company membership are located on our website for your personal review in case you’re having any disbelief or wish to challenge collective brain power.

That said; I fail to see what those combined “40 years of experience” gets you or how it is meant to connect with the readership. Are you attempting to earn some type of bragging rights or are you simply waving the ‘beware of dog’ sign in our face?  In your words - “Lol”

Kait states further - “Firstly, let me say I eat seismologists for breakfast. All this idle talk about seismologists is making me hungry.”

OK - Mr. G Kait - I am now compelled to ask…  After devouring the seismologists, eight hours later or based on a regular morning routine, is this digestive process how the Brilliant Pebbles are actually manufactured?

GK comes on with more advice for listeners: “You’re not the boss of me. Go admire your rock collection and above all get a life!”

Wait just one minute… It appears you Mr. Kait are the only one peddling a rock collection around here!

(Sorry again for my wasting everyone’s time in an unprofessional manner as this thread turns more toxic. Too many years of touring rock and roll always give me the urge for the occasional rebuttal)  

With regards to the forthcoming statement on what we have learned about seismology and how it relates to audio reproduction and isolation springs, please be patient Mr. “Great Kait” as there is a lot of information being processed for publication. We are a small business actively advancing a technology so unfortunately there is not a lot of time left to humor you or your associate on a daily basis.

Out # 3 (GK’s monkey made that call) - Start the next inning.


Star Sound