From Casablanca 3 to Integra 80.3?

I have a 4 year old Casablanca 3 with Extreme DACs on the left and right channels. I want to move into home theatre but do not have the HDMI upgrade. I know that one option is to pay $5000 for the upgrade, but I'm not keen on that. Frankly, the Casablanca is much too sophisticated for me. I'd like a simpler machine that has today's video processing capabilities (including 3D), if possible. I also would like not to depend on Casablanca's pricey upgrades.

But, what's most important is the sound. I don't want to give up the Extreme's DAC performance. If possible, I'm interested in even better DACs if they exist.

My system is Legacy Whisper with matching CODA amps. The video source is OPPO 93. The stereo is extremely revealing, and the Casablanca DACs made a huge difference when I first got it.

People have recommended the Integra 80.3. Is this the way to go? How will the DAC compare to the Casablanca? Better or worse (on the one hand it's not as high end, on the other hand it's 5 years newer).

If yes to the Integra, where can I get a deal online?

Thanks for any advice.
You are going to take a hit in sound quality going from CBIII with Xtreme cards to a mid-fi processor like integra. If you shop around and get the upgrade done for below 3,500. I would consider it. If you decide to sell the CBIII you should do it quick - new DAC card is in the works and resale value of Xtreme cards will take a hit (although you never know when Theta actually delivers)
I’ll second what Edorr says about staying with your Casablanca III. I have a Casablanca II with Extreme DAC’s and I can’t imagine what the bang for the buck would be to add HDMI. I recently replaced my Theta Compli with a factory hot-rodded Theta Compli Blu. In doing that I swapped out my Kubala-Sosna Emotion XLR/EBU for a Stereovox Reference XV-Ultra Digital cable. To my surprise, the Stereovox really opened up the Extreme DAC’s.
keep the Theta and get the OPPO 95 universal player. It has all the bells and whistles you'll need for HT including 3d. That will set you back only $1k.