Rolling Stones Mono Box Set (lp or cd)

I wanted to get the ball rolling. I thought that including both formats here would be beneficial to the entire discussion. I personally have little experience with the Rolling Stones. However, I think I can add an opinion in the form of having heard lots of music from this era and how this box relates to the Beatles Mono Box. I'm currently using my stereo cart. I've listened to the first 5 lps in chronological order.

One thing that has stood out to me is how consistent these 5 lps are in sound quality. ( "Out Of Our Heads", US has more pronounced bass, haven't listened to the UK yet.) This is kind of unusual in my listening experience. Compared to the Beatles Mono box which wasn't as consistent, album to album. I find the detail, the ambient retrieval, and the bass overall to be very good. What bothers me is I feel it is recorded too hot as well as I feel the overall sound seems somewhat very slightly artificial. ( I never felt this way listening to the Beatles Mono box). These last two issues may have to do with the re-mastering chain. It may be the quality of the mics, the recording venue, etc...I don't know. I don't have the originals to compare. There is the dimensional character of the soundstage that is very nice as was the Beatles. The vinyl itself is super quiet but I see that a few of these will need to be flattened. So far, there isn't an pressed "off-center" issue.
Good Day astro58go-

it is good to see you, hope you are enjoying the RS set. I own the complete RS catalog on CD from 1986, original pressings. For many, many years this was my main musical source. Then in 2002, upon the SACD revolution,
I own almost all of those titles as well.

Going back to those London/Decca CDs from 1986, to my ears they do not sound bad at all. The SACD versions will open up the clarity, air, space of instruments, better dynamics as well. The SACD version of 12x5 will place you inside Chess studios w/ the boys-scary to be sure.

Much will depend on your system, solid-state vs tubes and overall personal taste, as to the CD or SACD preference. I demand the highest resolution,
microdynamics and macrodynamics, timbre in natural form.

1969 was a thrilling year in the Rock era. The RS killed it w/ 'Let it Bleed'.
IME, everything that they had work towards finally fell into place and the music consuming public was rewarded. No stone was left un-turned (no pun).  Top to bottom, not a bad song/recording on that album. Truly excellent in substance, no filler, no self-indulgent crap neither.

Keep me posted on your continued journey w/ the Mono set.

Thanks for the input!

I listened to "Flowers" & "Their Satanic Majesties Request" this morning.

I have a US stereo "Flowers" pressed at Bell Labs. By comparison, there is no contest. The US stereo was so inconsistent and with electronically processed stereo, it was a big mess. The new mono is consistent (I talked about this earlier), but is actually not bad to listen to. SQ difference is night & day.

"TSMR"...admittedly, I've never heard this lp. From what I've read and from the obvious album cover art work, this was their answer to Sgt. Peppers. After listening, I don't feel like I've missed much at all. I'd say that given the nature of how this music was conceived and this new digital re-mastering, the artificial nature is amplified. SQ is mostly sterile and artificial sounding IMO. I found two songs on side two that I liked for content but overall, this one was a chore to listen to.

Thanks! for the continued inputs. Have you listened to all of the discs in this boxed set? Keep me posted- astro58go.

Happy Listening!