proac d25 vs totem Mani 2

I am looking for a pair of musical speakers for a small room. My budget is around $1800, I have looked around and found there is a very good candidate: Totem Mani 2. This pair has already got a lot of rave reviews on Internet. However, recently, I found another candidate, that is Proac D25, which I can get with much lower price than the Mani 2. I wonder if the Proac is much sonically and musically inferior to the Mani? Anyone happen to hear both of the speakers please share some of your experience.
Thank you.
Ag insider logo xs@2xquanghuy147
Totems can be pleasing but be aware of their warts and not just their strengths

(1) the MANI-2’s represent the common larger Totem model complaint of being unapologetic power hogs if you want to make them perform. Without prejuduce to the former, if memory serves me, the MANI-2s are also comparatively inefficient which compounds the problem. Check the fine detail in the speaker reviews, they don’t drive these beasts with any modestly powered or grunt- challenged (nor cheap) amps.
(Aside: I had to bi-amp the Forests to get the max out of them).

(2) Google the tsunami of posts either here or in Canuckaudiomart as to TOTEMS being very fatiguing in short order. In a small room arena, that ethereal fatigue will be both accelerated and multiplied. I’ve had both the FORESTS and ARROS simultaneously ... that’s why I sold them with no regrets.

depending on the rest of your system and it’s resulting system synergy, the PROACs may be the better choice IMO, particularly if it’s a blind purchase

If you are indeed hooked on the Totem signature sound for a small room arena , then having heard them all, I would strongly look to the Model Ones or ARROs rather than the MANI-2s ... full stop. The latter had their boutique cult following in their hey day but it is a different world out there now with many more diverse (and better) choices.
In the past, I drove Totem ARROs with a Cary CLI-80. in  a small apartment in San Francisco. They worked out well, but could have benefited from a sub woofer or powered bass. I sourced out a REL Quake, and that was an ideal setup at the time. I liked the ARROs, small, thin, construction was well done.

I moved on to B&W 805's and kept the little REL Quake, still have it.
I drive them with a pair of Marantz MA-24's and that setup suits me for now.

If I were to do it again, I would consider a pair of ProAc DB1, or KEF LS50's, I have heard both recently, and at that price point and size, they have very good sound stage, and grip the lower notes.
The Mani 2's are not a small room speaker.  You will be overwhelmed with bass.  That is of course you have sufficient and quality and power to drive them, which like mentioned above is a whole separate issue.

If you're looking at a stand mount Totem, Model One is probably where you want to be.