Transparent Ref MM spkr cbls- How do they compare?

I have never had the opportunity to try Transparent or MIT cables for that matter . I have seen pictures a while back of the insides of the networks that turned me away from considering them.

But,the phrase dont judge a book by its cover maybe applies to the the insides of the network so I want to remain open minded.

So many names in there product lines that sound the same! The used market is even more confusing , with repeating different names at different levels in the line ups.

The newer version with MM tech (whatever that is) is supposed to be better than the older version with XL tech (whatever that is)

The Reference with MM are near the same price range as $$$ Purist Dominus, Nordost Valhalla , Prana, Synergistic, Kimber Select, Stereovox etc speaker cables.

*Should I consider the Transparent as competition to the cables I just mentioned in my quest to find Speaker cables?

*Are they dynamic?

*How about the soundstage?

*The frequency extremes, is the bass tight and deep or sloppy? High frequencyies extended and airy ?

Lots of questions , any help will be appreciated.
i'll second the remarks made regarding the pranawire speaker cables and thieir i/c- smooth ,open and very musical.
on the other hand, the transparent opus mm speaker cables were on a different sphere when i tried them in my system..... but i could justify the steep(mm=more money?)
price tag. but they were simply unreal.....
but for a fraction of their cost, the pran cosmos were holding their own as well.
Either the MM1 or MM2 are still very fine cables/cords via Transparent.
One owes to himself to audition the Reference or OPUS = beyond description!
Transparent and M.I.T., alike, are especially coherent when used in an all Transparent or all M.I.T. system (IC, SP, PC).
Hi Ozzy
I have tried the Transparent line up to the Reference XL MM2, They are a nice cable deep base, solid imagining. The mm2 line is now discontinued with Gen. 5 being the new line. You are right the different line are very confusing. In the Gen. 5 line they eliminated a level to try and cut down on some of the confusion. In the mm2 line it went Reference- Reference XL-Another Reference level-then Opus. In the newer gen. 5 cables they eliminated the Reference right below the Opus. So now in the gen.5 line the Reference XL is right below the Opus. I like Transparent cables, but the big draw back for me on them , from the Ref. line up
 each time you change a component you must get the cable recalibrate for that component to get the best out of it. If you have a local Transparent dealer then it makes it a little easier. If not,  then you get your cable to the closes dealer to get it shipped to Transparent for recalibration. Transparent will not let you send the cable direct to them for recalibration.
Transparent makes a good cable in the Reference line or higher, but under the Reference line i think their are lots of cables that compete with them on a smaller price line.
Enjoy Pete


which cables/cords do you like below the Transparent Reference line?