DV-50s vs Krell SACD Standard vs Denon 3910 mod

Would sincerely appreciate some experienced guidance or commentary on this.

Here's my situation: Want a great SACD/CD player, happy with a 'good' DVD/DVD-A player - or a universal biased towards SACD/Redbook CD performance.

I'd thought of an Underwood/Partsconnexion mod'd DVD-5900 or 3910, but think I'd be setting myself up for losing even more $$$ when I go to upgrade...
So, have been thinking of the Teac Esoteric DV-50s, or Krell SACD Standard [since CD is my priority]

I've seen the Krell vs Esoteric thread ... but wonder what else I should consider in the $2k-$5k range ?
Happy to buy a good used model in that range as well