Help Choosing Speakers

I am looking to find a nice pair of speakers that will work well in a relatively small dedicated listening room. My setup is 100% analog, tube amp, turntable, phono pre. I am trying to keep a minimalist approach.

Turntable: Thorens TD-150
Phono Pre: AudioResearch PH3
Amp: Decware MiniTorii
Speakers: DIY MarkAudio A12P in SuperPensil

Room Dimensions: 11' W x 12' 4" L x 10' H

So far I have been looking around at a lot of options and while I don't want to limit myself to 94 dB+ efficient speakers. I would like to be able to keep my Decware MiniTorii in place if possible.

LegacyAudio Signature SE is top on my list, little bit more than I wanted to spend, but this is a lifetime purchase. I have also looked at SalkSound Veracity ST but I am concerned about the Decware amps being able to push those. I have also looked at the Decware HR-1s which look impressive.

Of course its difficult to buy speakers without hearing them, any other recommendations/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Also if anyone has heard the Legacy Audio Signatures with a Decware amplifier and has any details, that would be spectacular.



Their Signature SE is 92 dB, which should be plenty for a 6 WPC MiniTorii.

If it doesnt work out, I will upgrade to the Torii Jr. which is 20 WPC.

The Reference 3A's are nice, but to get into the we're looking at 7500-8000 which is a grand more than the Sigs.

I will revisit the Salks as well...

Thanks for the input!

Salk and Legacy are nice speakers for sure. At that price point might as well also consider a Golden Ear Triton One.
IMHO, using a 4 watt tube amplifier, only high efficiency speakers should be considered. The LegacyAudio Signature SE is listed at 92db, however that is room sensitivity at 2.83v. Since it is a 4 ohm speaker, 2.83v is 2 watts and the 1 watt rating will be 3db lower. Also, room sensitivity is 2-3db higher than anechoic chamber. So a 1 watt rating anechoic chamber is ~87db.

The Decware HR-1 is also a 4 ohm speaker, however the specification is listed at 1 watt and not 2.83v. For 8 ohm speakers 2.83v is 1 watt, so no adjustment is necessary.

tls49, thanks that is hugely helpful... I might not be able to get away from upgrading to the Torii Jr @ 20 WPC.