Help w/ Martin Logan setup!

Hey guys!

Very, very new to this site - this is only my second post. I have searched alot for this, but was hoping somebody with a similar system could chime in...

Current system:
Sony 930d (not that the tv matters!)
Marantz SR6010 receiver
Martin Logan Motif X center
Martin Logan Ethos fronts
Martin Logan Motion 40 rears
Martin Logan Dynamo 1000 sub

Coming soon:
Oppo 4K player (currently using an Xbox One S)
Pro-ject turntable

Getting this system as turned me into an audiophile - I'm really big into movies and gaming, so that's why I got everything. This is my first high(ish) end system I have ever owned. Looking for amp advice: Everyone tells me to add an amp, and I am thinking of a few, but wanted to get some opinions/advice. To start, it would be a 2 channel to just the Ethos. I'm deciding between: Rotel RB-1590, Anthem MCA 225, maybe a few others. I hear great things about those two, but I'm completely new to amps so need some guidance. I'm open to any and all suggestions - trying to stay between $3-$5K. Also, and sorry if this an inexperienced question - will the sound on movies and gaming change drastically after adding an amp, or is it more for music? I'm thinking it primarily will benefit music as its 2 channel, but just wanted to get a more in-depth answer! LOL

Thanks in advance!

While I'm contemplating an adequate response, you can also try the martin Logan owner's website for their advice.

Yeah, I have been there - its a mixed bag. But that's where i heard about the Anthem MCA. And they also recommended a Parasound A21
Those can be very magical speakers but are a difficult load to drive (besides needed to be set far out into the room).

Did your dealer suggest any amps to you?

You want lots of power and the ability to drive a difficult load...

Or you could quickly snap up 2 A21s and bi-amp with those while testing for the next sound quality iteration...

I use Maggies which are a little easier on amps, and I use a Sunfire Cinema Grand to biamp.  It ought to work pretty well with your speakers if you can find one.  There is also a different co. which uses a similar design approach and IIRC is still in business.