Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

most important of all, is that , we have Rob at Thiel in Kentucky to take care of us older crowd and our legacy speakers. Cheers to Rob!
Let's continue to keep him gainfully employed!
Happy Listening!
Good to see you again- Donzi

I can see how a Bryston power amp is a sonic match for Thiel speakers.
After all, these babies crave high current and Bryston can certainly deliver it! 

Tom Evans is heavily favored by many Audiophiles, so it must be an excellent product, I would like a demo myself.

Last, but certainly not in the least is Cabling;
my 1st love in our wonderful hobby- try listening to any rig w/o them!
No, there is zero doubt in my mind that Cabling makes a positive difference!
Odd, funny, thing is that w/ careful selection, anyone can budget their system. My best advice is to get out to the dealers/retailers and listen, listen listen to the various brands.  In this particular thread, there exists a wealth of info by your subscribers.  Thankfully, we all have various spin(s) on the cables/cords in our systems that make life worth living.
Equally important, we do not own identical gear- no fun in that-
Happy Listening!
Much Thanks! for the kind gesture- oblgny

You are absolutely correct by stating that I am the biggest proponent for Cabling!  20 years ago I discovered that aftermarket cabling does make a difference and I was not an Audiophile in those days.

I only provide you guys w/ the brands that I have spent some time (usually 3 months) in various systems at various dealers/retailers over the last 5 years during my business travels.  During these travels, I would visit said shops weekly and listen to the gear for as many hours as necessary.
Luckily, I never had a bad experience. And I can site the dealers/retailers that provided a reference to me.  My permanent locale does not afford me w/ dealers/retailers.  Cities like Atlanta, New Orleans and Nashville are the closest proximity.
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