2/3 of the way there. HT crash course help wanted

OK, in my continuing and brief HT crash course, I am now at this point:

Purchased: Totem Dreamcatcher 5.1 speaker system (4 identical monitors for front and surrounds, center, and powered sub). Oppo BDP95.

Need help/suggestions with amplification. Here are MY thoughts; would like to know yours:

This HT system will be used for film on DVD playback 80% of the time. 10% for CD playback via the Oppo (having an FM tuner for very occasional use would probably be nice), and 10% (I hope) for the kid's video games.

The system will go into a small/medium size space, and won't be played at terribly loud levels. This system will be used by the entire family (Aargh!:-), so, I am (reluctantly) thinking HT receiver. I am a tube guy and like a sound that is dynamic (PRAT), and full in the midrange; not lean. I know the Dreamcatchers is not a particularly full sounding system, although I like most of it's other traits. I plan on running the video directly from the Oppo to the Panasonic 60" plasma, and the audio to the receiver
or prepro via 5.1 analog connections. I want the amplification to stay under $1000.

Given what I have been able to learn about the sound of the available choices in this price range, I am so far thinking NAD receiver, or a used B&K receiver. The B&K option seems like particularly good value, so I am particularly interested in comments about B&K and also Outlaw; or .... Again, would love to keep it all as simple as possible, although would easily consider used separates as it would be nice to have sound that is not too far away from the quality of my all-tube main music system.

Thoughts/suggestions/recommendations? Thanks.
Thanks for the great responses; very helpful. Any thoughts on the B&K 307. At today's used prices ($500 or so) it seems like an extraordinary value. I have owned B&K two channel gear and can't believe that this receiver would not beat the pants off any NAD sound wise. While no Audessey, it has parametric eq capability.
if music were the priority, i'd opt for the b&k (or alternatively something like an arcam avr300)--they're sonically on another level than the mass-market avrs. however, since you indicate you'll be 80% movies, avgoround's advise is sound--a current hk, denon or yamaha w/room correction and the latest codecs is probably the way to go. hk tends to have more robust amp sections.
If you are looking for additional brands for receivers--especially room correction--then you should seriously consider Integra and Anthem. Anthem comes with the best room correction because you get both a professionally calibrated microphone and the ARC system. The Integra also comes with the top of the line Audyssey, however, the microphone is not a professionally calibrated one and if you want that extra level, the cost is about $500 for that. Those would be my top two choices for receivers.

I personally have Anthem equipment in my main setup and cannot say enough good and positive things about it. Bullet-proof build construction, stellar tech support (can't emphasize this enough), and products that perform well beyond their peers.