
I'm sitting in the sweet spot...listening to one of the truly sublime albums of all time...composition, performance and production...Tea For The Tillerman.

Ortofon 2m Blue on a Rega RP3 with ttpsu, groovetracer ref, subplatter, assymeyrical counterweight, white belt.  Cambridge 651p phono stage.  Very happy with it all (subplatter made a phenomenal difference, btw)

just looking for for that bit of atmosphere I've heard in my favorite dealer's sound room.  So where can I find it? Go up to the 2m black?  Phono stage?  Acrylic platter?  Or is it elsewhere in the system?  Odyssey Candela and Khartago extreme into B&W CDM1 SE's. ..mid range audio quest wiring throughout. 

Any my input would be much appreciated.  This system is mighty close to where I'd want to go.  Modest by most standards here, but feels like an old favorite flannel shirt, ya know?
As nice as the Cambridge is, it's only a $200 phono stage.

So...his entire system is budget...
So...his entire system is budget...

His system is far from "budget". His table with all the upgrades is pretty decent. He also has a nice preamp and amp. IMHO, a sweet little system that could definitely use a better phono stage.
thanks for all the good input... the consensus seems to be that the Cambridge is a weak point.  I'm going to see what I can find used around 400-500.
Room treatment is intriguing, though I think my room is fairly good as is. 15x 22 asymmetrical, slanted ceiling and effectively damped at 1st reflections.  Also diffused in the corners.  Balance of rug an hardwood.
Equipment well isolated on a good stand with flagstone shelf under the TT.

Wondering about AC power.  I have a dedicated 10 amp line to the system from my panel.  Does anyone have a thought on the effectiveness of improving power cords on a system at this level?

OP.. those are some pretty esoteric devices and a bit out of my budget in some cases. Maybe if my basic system were a bit more sophisticated...
I have the Herbie's platter mat, very effective. I'll give the tube dampers a shot too.  The Rega white belt does make a difference, albeit small.  Do you think OL belt goes further?

jmho i would look at room treatment ,i use gik they are very helpful.It has been one of the biggest sound changes on any system throughout my life.Next would be you phono stage,nice set up though 
good luck ...

To Mofimadness, have you heard the MP-1P  sold by Musical Paradise???. Their shipping cost is off the scale for such a small box. Also, $499 is hardly bargain basement.  The pre-amp interior circuits and wiring look clean, but who makes this product??

To varyat, Have you heard this Lounge Audio  phono pre-amp??  How good is it.??  
Also, do you get two drinks for the cover charge, and is their piano man??